Friday, September 21, 2007

Our Little Mama

Lily is such a good big sister she thinks she is Landon's second mom. If Landon is every without his blanket she goes and gets it and makes sure he is all covered up, which sometimes includes covering his face. She gets really concerned when he cries and comes up and asks me, "Why he crying?" and she usually tries to shove her pacifier in his mouth, it is so sweet. She loves to show Landon her toys and when he is in his bouncy seat or car seat we find toys piled up on his lap of things she wanted to show him. She loves to lay down by him when he is on the ground but she can't quite get close enough and usually ends up laying on top of him. The feeling is mutual though, Landon thinks Lily is so funny and he is always smiling at her whenever she walks by. I am so grateful that things have gone so well with the two of them. I was so nervous that Lily would be jealous or feel left out with a new baby around, but she loves to help and feel like she is taking care of him. I still worry all the time that I don't give each of them enough attention, but then I try and remember that they are so lucky to have each other, and I just try and do the best I can. I really hope that they are close as they grow up. I love being so close in age with my sister and she is the best friend I could ask for.

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