Wednesday, April 16, 2008


It has been forever since I updated the blog and I decided it was about time to do it. Landon is now 9 months old...I can't believe it. He just had his 9 month check up, which was a bit of an adventure. He has always had trouble with his breathing and I have asked the doctors about it a million times and even gone to two different doctors and they just said it was nothing to worry about. One said that it was part of his reflux and the other said his airways weren't fully developed but that it would get better as he got older. Well when I took him in for his checkup he was wheezing just like he always does and the doctor decided this time that he had asthma. They checked his blood oxygen level and it was low and they weren't sure if he was going to be hospitalized. This was all just on a normal day, I mean he always breathes like that! They were able to do a breathing treatment which helped so we were able to go home, but now he needs to use two different kinds of medicine 4 times a day in a nebulizer. I was so frustrated that no one would listen to me before and it had to get to that point, but I was also glad that we were able to figure it out and that the breathing treatments are working. He is finally sleeping better and is way more active. He weighs 22 lbs 9 oz. and 29 1/2 inches tall. He is a big kid which is good because Lily enjoys laying on top of him. He is so active. He crawls really well now on his hands and knees, no more army crawl which is good but kind of sad because it was so cute and he is just growing up so fast. He is finally getting his first tooth! I was starting to think he didn't have any. He loves to pull himself up to standing on any furniture he can and he thinks it is so exciting to be able to explore a bunch of new things. He is such a happy kid and he laughs all the time. He has started to say mama and dada and I think he actually knows what it means now which is really fun. Today he was crying and he just started saying mama mama until I picked him up which was so cute.
Lily is so much fun but also a handful. It is so much fun to play together and she can communicate so well now. She can say her abc's now and count to ten. She also knows all her colors, but of course to her everything has to be pink. She has such a funny personality and she makes us laugh everyday. She loves to go to nursery and she says her own prayers now. She always says thank you for church and her friends house and it is really funny to hear what else she thanks her Heavenly Father for. The other day she was just looking at the picture we had in the living room of the temple. Then after a few minutes she says "mom, that is Jesus' castle," which I guess is true. Lily is so busy and she is always doing something. She loves to pretend, especially with her dolls. She puts them to bed, feeds them, gives them kisses, reads them books, and sings them songs. It is really cute. The other day I was going to give Lily a bath and I said "okay Lily its time to take a bath" she really didn't want to and she kept telling me no. I told her that she really needed to go get in the bath and she started crying and said "NO, I'm too busy for a bath!" I laughed really hard, which was probably bad because now she says she is too busy to do everything.

Life is so good! I feel so blessed to have such a great family!


Rachel and Tyler said...

Spencer weighed exactly the same amount at his nine month and was the same height! crazy! your kids are so cute. I am glad you updated your blog! it was fun seeing all of you!

The Carters said...

Nice outfits. Go Peterson!